Embody Chinese Medicine
in the Wild
Registration Opens in June for Fall 2025
learn Chinese & herbal medicine in the wild,
cultivate nature-based body wisdom,
and heal in community
In this weekly four-month Embody Chinese Medicine field series, you will:
Go in-depth with the medicines of West Marin, tasting and observing wild medicines over 13 weeks, including healing properties, qi dynamics & “energetics”
Learn to track your body’s feelings and symptoms and interpret your terrain from a Chinese medical framework, through immersion in nature and the elements
Learn a qi gong/yoga movement practice for daily home practice
Receive personalized recommendations and health coaching
Connect with fellow self-healers in a playful, meaningful and authentic space, come as you are, and be seen and held by community
I draw from modern and classical knowledge, scientific research, herbal monographs & ancient folklore; 6+ years of clinical experience and 20+ years of study & personal practice. Each week is guided by whatever we find on the trail, in the skies, or within ourselves.
Read more about me, Alison Wood, L.Ac., here
Save your space by booking an exploration call here
Self Healing Circles explore herbology and Chinese medicine
medicinal properties of North American, European and Chinese herbs and formulas
Qi dynamics of herbs, body systems, seasons & environment
basic Chinese medical anatomy like organ systems, meridians, Qi, Blood, Yin, Yang
the San Jiao or “Triple Burner” - the three fires of the body - and how to tend them
the pathological “evils” of Wind, Damp, Fire, Heat, Cold and Phlegm
pulse and tongue, and reading the wise messages offered by our signs and symptoms
cultivate practices to listen inwardly
through walking in connecting with the land and sitting with living plant medicines
practicing yogic breathing and movements to move Qi & calm the Spirit
learning the terrain-oriented, nature-based language of Chinese medicine
and take turns each session to share
and receive reflection about our health journeys
where everyone receives individual focus and Chinese medical guidance each week
including diagnostic perspectives, custom prescriptions and recommendations
nourished by the group format, with one another to witness and support
Spring Session is full!
13 Weds, 4-6 in person in Point Reyes Station, CA• March 19, 26, 25 • April 2, 9, 16, 23* • May 7, 14, 21, 28 • June 4
• Final June class - family bonfire on Limontour Beach, date TBD.*note, no class on Weds April 30th
Sessions will be out in the field in nature, location TBA, where we will:
immerse ourselves in the land to learn about earth-based anatomy
identify bioregional medicines on the trail, tasting and learning through experience and lecture
practice a yogic breathing and movement sequence outdoors
share about our health and receive my feedback and guidance from a Chinese medicine perspective, + tongue diagnosis & I Ching divination
Each week, you will receive:
a deep-dive into a plant medicine out on the land - learn to feel which herbs are for you by tasting and meditating with herbs in our region, and then I’ll teach in detail about its properties.
a simple yogic self-care practice to tend your own Qi at home so you can use movement and breath to rebalance your body’s energy, any time, for free.
companionship in sharing health check-ins, gaining comfort, strength and inspiration from knowing you’re not on the journey alone
personalized expert health guidance from me based on Chinese medicine and whatever is showing up. Each person receives a 15 minute consult + tongue diagnosis, every other week
Practice listening inwardly to track your subtlest signs and symptoms, so you can know in any moment what you need to feel great and gain fluency in your body’s messages
a custom crash-course in Chinese medicine so you can use earth-based wisdom to understand your unique elemental patterns and how to balance them
In-person meetings to keep your self-care momentum and inspiration alive
PDF and printed herbal monograph of our featured herb of the week, when available
20% off herbal remedies while enrolled in the class
10% off acupuncture treatments and consultations while enrolled in the class
access to special remedies, resources and practices that I don’t share anywhere else
Curriculum draws from:
the bioregion and seasonal dynamics of Point Reyes National Seashore and Tamales Bay, Inverness & Lagunitas watersheds
Herbal traditions - Chinese, Western folk, indigenous, plant spirit, eclectic and modern scientific research - plus my clinical and personal experience
Qi dynamics of herbs, body systems, seasons & environment
basic Chinese medical anatomy like organ systems, meridians, Qi, Yin/Yang, San Jiao❤️🔥
Common “Evils” (Wind, Damp, etc) & how to deal with them
Chinese medical pulse and tongue diagnosis
classical Hatha yoga practices
other medicine practices such as ayurveda, sound healing, plant medicine ceremony, sweat lodge, ancestor work, divination, medical qigong, as called for
seasons, environment, and what is alive for everyone each week
Contribution for 4 Month Series
Early Bird Rate: $1300 before March 11th 🪲 after that, $1500
Alumni Rate: $1000
Monthly payment plans available
save 5% if you pay in cash
How to Register:
Book a free exploration call !
Venmo @Alison-wood-8
Pay by cash or card at Abalone Apothecary & Clinic in Pt Reyes Station
“There is so much information, I feel like such a beginner, and yet I got the felt sense of it on the intuition level - it’s hitting at a very deep level. When we started you said something about how there is some magic about being in a group, and sharing, and I think that’s true. It helps with that gut felt sense, even if everybody’s place is different. It was really great. I love it. Thank you.” - K. W
"Coming back to our group healing sessions each week was the next step I needed in my personal healing process. Not only did I learn various movement and breath techniques by repetition over time, I also gained perspective and camaraderie. I appreciated having a teacher such as Alison who has so much wisdom and also is open to sharing her own journey.” - A.T.
"Alison's Self Healing Counsel is a sweet, nurturing space to connect and learn. I deeply appreciate the gentle way she introduces a new plant each week and the container she provides for my curious nature. This counsel has quickly become one of my favorite places to explore. I feel more grounded and peaceful after our time together. More of this, please!” - C.E.

Free Class!! Designing your Self-Guided Water Fast
Water fasting allows the body to rest and go quiet and do some deeper clearing and self-healing work. Bring paper and pen and your questions, and get ready to map out your own personalized spring retreat - at home, completely for free - nothing but water needed!