Links to Good Things.


Ayni Projects

Promoting social reciprocity in the Americas, created by community tender & healer Ailish Schutz & Curandeiro de Sonido Tito La Rosa

Honorable Harvest

Short video talk by Robin Wall Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass - required viewing for anyone thinking of wildcrafting.

Tending the Wild Doumentary

PBS Documentary and powerful video portrait of the importance of listening to Indigenous wisdom. Watch with the kids.


Garden of Eden Website

The roots and lineage of Abalone Apothecary, and where to connect to Eden Clearbrook and her offerings.


Vilda Nature

A local Nature Connection org offering deep nature connection to youth through camps & homeschooling. Personally precious to our family.


Buckeye Gathering

Our local ancestral skills gathering where people come together to share skills and practice truly living in reciprocity with the earth and one another.


Shadow Yoga

Unparalleled resource for grounded, deep instruction and information about traditional Hatha Yoga via founders Shandor Remete and Emma Balnaves.

Heron Shadow Farm

An innovative haven focused on conservation and regeneration of Indigenous agriculture, Native Sciences, and healthy lifeways.

Sonoma County Herb Exchange

Local organically grown herbal medicine, supplying some of my best herbs, roots and berries since 1993.


Anya’s Practice

Dear friend & mentor Anya Tyutunik’s powerful joyful offerings of healing, learning, connecting to each other & Earth.


Embrace Race

A compassionate anti-racist resource to combat racism in ourselves, our children & our communities. Lots of content.

Dr Scott Blossom’s Covid 19 Resources

Excellent place to get practical, do-able advice about how to navigate the Pandemic.


Academy of Chinese Culture & Health Sciences

Lots of love to this Chinese Medical school where I received my training; a Classically-oriented TCM school and low-cost, high-quality student clinic.

Queen of the Sun Documentary

Beautiful documentary describing the holy essential-ness of the honeybee, and the dangers they are facing.


Herbal Highway

Long-running public radio broadcast about all things Herbal & Life-Affirming on this beautiful land that feeds us.