organic herbal apothecary & acupuncture clinic
in Point Reyes Station, CA

rewild your health
Reach out to schedule a time
We have transitioned to a full-time clinic, and thus doors are only open
in between treatment sessions.
Its different every week!
please email 24 hours ahead to schedule a time to come pick up remedies, to be sure you catch us!
with Alison Wood, MSOM L.Ac
Mon 10 - 2
Weds 10 - 4
Thursday 10 - 5
Friday 10 - 5
Saturday 11 - 5
by appointment only.
Thirteen weeks of teachings
& personalized support in community
In-person in Point Reyes Station,
starting in March
Alison offers healing treatments including Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Cupping & Tui Na Massage, plus other modalities especially for women, families, & Covid-era stress.
Herbal Consults
Telehealth or in-person at the shop… we’ll get detailed about your whole being using Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostic principles and then create traditional herbal remedies from scratch or from impeccable suppliers.
Apothecary Lineage
There have been some big changes as we say a warm farewell to the Garden of Eden apothecary founder, precious healer and tender of our hearts and health, Eden Clearbrook… I am Alison Wood, licensed Acupuncturist & Chinese Medical practitioner and long-time herbal medicine maker, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I look forward to expanding the apothecary to include Chinese herbal remedies, Women’s self-care essentials, Acupuncture treatments and more. I have been working with Eden at the shop for over 8 years, she is one of my dearest friends and mentors, and I am grateful to her for drawing me into her rich healing community all those years ago.
I promise to do my best to keep the lovely-smelling spirit of Mother-Earth-honoring and community healing alive and well at the Garden of Eden - oops! I mean Abalone Apothecary & Chinese Medicine Clinic. And yes, you will still be able to find Eden’s divine salves and creams at the shop, as well as on her website (after a short rest). I will be posting a little biography soon so we can keep getting to know one another… stay tuned!